Thursday 25 November 2021

saint poster

we were learning about saints and you had to pick your favorite saint that you like inspires like me mine was saint vincent de paul the reason why I picked saint vincent de paul is because he's my house color saint and also he helped people that did not have much and was as much as possible to charity like food clothes and money and he helps refugees to.

I enjoyed making this and also drawing my saint and coloring it in and I had to describe him as like a saint one of them was compassion cause he has the compassion to help those in need.

I found it hard to draw the picture but it was fun and also hard to find words to describe him because he was so caring and nice. Next time i would change nothing.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Callender art

 I was learning about how to shade using a pencil I enjoyed making this and drawing my eagle it was fun and also we had to make shapes inside our birds that we picked and you had to outline it.

I found it really hard to color in the shape because most of my shapes were little and also sticking the confetti onto the side of my bird-like you had to circle the part you wanted to stand out and mine was the face.

Next time I would make my triangles little so that I could color them better.

self portrait

 This week we were learning how to paint ourselves and also mix colors to make ur skin color. First, we had to take a photo then outline our photos after we had to do our skin tone mine was a chunk of yellow red and a little bit of black. Next, we paint our hair mine was black I enjoyed painting my hair, and my skin color also we had to paint our shirts. and also you had to do 2 codes of your skin color.

I found it really hard not to get paint on the laminator slip and maybe next time I would not put my art next to the paint. and i don't have a photo of my art.

Wednesday 17 November 2021

2021 goal achevmints.

we were learning about the three things that we achieved in 2021 and also proud of it first you had to record yourself saying hi these are my three goal achievement in 2021 Then you add 2021 to the title after you add the three achievements your proud of then you're done.

I found it hard to write the three achievements and also next time maybe I would change the subheading and change my video.


Rangoli Art

we were doing rangoli art what is rangoli it is a traditional art that's celebrated in Diwali. we were learning about how to make rangoli art and also Diwali. I enjoyed making rangoli art it was fun to draw and also fun to the color I did this art with Noe Save Layton Benjamin h  and me Paula. I found coloring in the lines hard because the circles were kinda little but it was big too. Next time I would change nothing it's perfect.